Could New York be next?
On the left you see the skyline of New York, pictured in the most recent issue of Inspire magazine, an English-language online magazine produced by AQAP’s media wing. The magazine’s main goal is to provide Westerners with the tools to carry out attacks on U.S. soil without physically training with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen or Somalia. This article is particularly useful for that goal, since it provides step-by-step instructions on how to use an AK-47.

While this attack was certainly carried out by AQAP, rather than unaffiliated supporters, the Inspire magazine has been urging followers to take on larger roles on their own. In their claim of responsibility for the package bomb plot, AQAP noted: “We wish to encourage our Mujahideen brothers all over to expand their targets to include civilian aircrafts in the West in addition to courier services.”
Could it be that AQAP is hinting to their readers that New York should be targeted next? Clearly this is not a novel idea, and more likely the terrorist group is attempting to create fear among New Yorkers. The principal author of Inspire - Samir Khan, an American who once lived in New York himself - is very aware of the amount of press and attention each release of Inspire magazine gets. Seeing the words “Training with the AK” written across the Chrysler building may instill fear among New Yorkers, and Khan knows it.